Recognize Violence, Change Culture

Infuse creativity into your prevention work. Inspire action and promote behavior change.

We provide innovative, inclusive, and easy-to-implement sexual violence prevention tools and strategies to draw in your community, spark conversation, and build essential skills.

Work with us

Workshops - Capacity Building Training - Program Development - Workshop Curriculum - Artwork

Save time, take a load off your plate, and access the support you deserve in your prevention work.

Access engaging prevention resources

Bring your community new, interactive tools and skill-building activities that maintain their interest.

Draw in your community with fun materials

Prevention games - Stickers - Buttons - Art prints

Share outreach materials that attract people to your program and see the difference it makes.

Our Story

Our journey together began in the Redwoods of Northern California. Prior to RVCC, we were engaged in sexual violence prevention work at Cal Poly Humboldt. For eight years, our founder served as the sexual violence prevention coordinator, while the rest of us served as peer educators. Together, we developed CHECK IT, a nationally recognized bystander intervention program. CHECK IT was a game-changer for us. We witnessed incredible shifts happen on our campus. We went from having low student engagement to having over 300-500 students attend our consent-centered parties every year. Seeing cultural shifts like this inspired us to create RVCC. We know change is possible.

Follow us on Instagram @TransformitRVCC

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Every month, we share new prevention tools and resources to enhance prevention work.